Sunday, June 27, 2010


Nicola Conte Presents Spiritual Swingers

Rating: 7/10
Sound Quality:
Format: Flac
Record Label: Emarcy
Year Released:
Album Covers: Included
Pass: radiodada
Links: Click Here -->

Note From Dada!
Ώτα μου καλημέρα!
Δεν πρόκειται για κάποια φρέσκια δισκογραφική δουλειά του Conte (ασχέτα αν έχει μοστράρει τη μουτσουνάρα του στο εξώφυλλο), αλλά για μία εξαιρετική συλλογή στην οποία ο ίδιος εμφανίζεται εδώ με την ιδιότητα του παραγωγού. Με ένα χρονικό φάσμα που ξεκινάει από το 1955 και φτάνει ως το 1967, ο Conte από τη μία σκιαγραφεί εκείνη την περίοδο στην οποία η jazz αποκτά έντονα spiritual στοιχεία και από την άλλη κατά τη γνώμη μου "μαρτυράει" με τον πιο όμορφο τρόπο, τις "πηγές" των επιρροών του και των "μουσικών του εμμονών". Ahmad Jamal, Yusef Lateef, Dorothy Ashby είναι μερικά μόνο από τα ονόματα που απαρτιζουν αυτή τη συλλογή, απ΄την οποία με δυσκολία κατάφερα να "απομονώσω" κάποια από τα θέματα της για να πάρετε μία γέυση, καθώς όλη αξίζει πάρα πολλές και -συνολικές- ακροάσεις. Μιας και ξεκινάει ένα καινούργιο πρωινό σας καλημερίζω με ένα "Feeling Good" σε μία εκπληκτική εκτέλεση από την Pat Bowie και σας αφήνω με το επίσης ανατέλλον "Spanish Castles" από τον George Gruntz.

Σας φιλώ στο μόντεμ

Feeling Good - Pat Bowie

Spanish Castles - George Gruntz

About Nicola Conte

Nicola Conte is an Italian DJ, producer and guitar player known for introducing an innovative style of acid jazz that incorporates bossa nova themes, melodies drawn from Italian film scores of the 1960s, easy listening themes, and ethnic Indian music.
Conte, a classically-trained musician, is mastermind of a collective of acid jazz revivalists, "The Fez Collective," based in the Italian town of Bari, and the Schema label, their record label for promoting their distinctly Italian approach to acid jazz.

Conte's first album was Jet Sounds of 2000. The single "Bossa Per Due" gained international recognition and was an underground hit. It was used almost immediately for a prime-time commercial for Acura automobiles. The album was licensed for American distribution by Thievery Corporation's Eighteenth Street Lounge (ESL) label in the summer of 2001 as Bossa Per Due, and was slightly reconfigured version of the Italian Jet Sounds album. This was followed by the Jet Sounds Revisited remix album in late 2002. Two years later, Blue Note's French subsidiary released Conte's next album Other Directions. In November 2008, Conte released his latest album, Rituals.

Conte also produced albums by other artists such as Rosalia De Souza and Paolo Achenza Trio

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


The Trombone Stylist/Arabia - Curtis Fuller

Rating: 5.5/10 
Sound Quality: Lossless
Format: Flac
Record Label: El Capitan
Year Released: 2010
Album Covers: Included
Pass: radiodada
Links: Click Here -->

Note From Dada!

Ώτα μου καλημέρα,
Συνεχίζω με ένα δίσκο που περιέχει δύο δισκογραφικές δουλειές του Curtis Fuller, ενός απ' τους σημαντικότερους τρομπονίστες της jazz που έφυγε στις αρχές του χρόνου (13 Ιανουαρίου 2010). Πρόκειται για τους δίσκους "The Curtis Fuller Jazztet" και "Imagination". Και οι δύο δίσκοι ηχογραφήθηκαν το 1959 για λογαριασμό της "Savoy" και πλαισιώθηκαν από μία αφρόκρεμα μουσικών της εποχής, τους οποίους παραθέτω αναλυτικά πιο κάτω. Θέματα σε συνθέσεις κυρίως του Curtis Fuller αλλά και των Cole Porter, Dizzy Gillespie, Jule Styne, Sammy Cahn, Johnny Burke και Jimmy Van Heusen. Εκτός από το αγαπημένο μου "Arabia" (σύνθεση του Fuller), το οποίο ποστάρω για μία σχετική "πρόγευση" του δίσκου, ξεχωρίζουν το εξαιρετικό "Blues De Funk"(Curtis Fuller) και το "Wheatleith Hall"(Dizzy Gillespie).

Καλή Ακρόαση

Arabia - Curtis Fuller

The Curtis Fuller Jazztet (Tracks 01-05)
Curtis Fuller (Trombone)
Lee Morgan (Trumpet)
Benny Golson (Tenor Saxophone)
Wynton Kelly (Piano)
Paul Chambers (Bass)
Charlie Persip (Drums)

(Tracks 06-10)
Curtis Fuller (Trombone)
Thad Jones (Trumpet)
Benny Golson (Tenor Saxophone)
McCoy Tyner (Piano)
Jimmy Garrison (Bass)
Dave Bailey (Drums)

About Curtis Fuller
Fuller's parents were Jamaican and died when he was young; he was raised in an orphanage as a result. While in Detroit he was a schoolfriend of Paul Chambers and Donald Byrd, and also knew Tommy Flanagan, Thad Jones and Milt Jackson.

After army service between 1953 and 1955 (when he played in a band with Chambers and brothers Cannonball and Nat Adderley), Fuller joined the quintet of Yusef Lateef, another Detroit musician. In 1957 the quintet moved to New York, and Fuller recorded his first sessions as a leader for Prestige Records.

Alfred Lion of Blue Note Records first heard him playing with Miles Davis in the late fifties, and featured him as a sideman on record dates led by Sonny Clark and John Coltrane; Fuller's work on the latter's Blue Train album is probably his best known recorded performance. Fuller led four dates for Blue Note, though one of these, an album with Slide Hampton, was not issued for many years. Other sideman appearances over the next decade included work on albums under the leadership of Bud Powell, Jimmy Smith, Wayne Shorter, Lee Morgan and Joe Henderson (a former room mate at Wayne State University in 1956). Fuller is particularly proud of being the only trombonist to have recorded with Coltrane, Powell and Smith, all in August or September 1957.

He was also the first trombonist to be a member of the Art Farmer-Benny Golson Jazztet, later becoming the sixth man in Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers in 1961, staying with Blakey until 1965. In the early 1960s he recorded two albums as leader for Impulse! Records, having also recorded for Savoy Records and Epic after his obligations with Blue Note had ended.

In the late sixties he was part of Dizzy Gillespie's band, and he went on to tour with Count Basie and to reunite with Blakey and Golson. He continues to perform and record.

On January 13, 2010, Curtis' wife, Catherine Rose Driscoll Fuller died.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Cult Cargo: Grand Bahama Goombay

Rating: 7/10
Sound Quality: Lossless
Format: Flac
Record Label: The Numero Group
Year Released:
Album Covers: Included
Pass: radiodada
Links: Click Here -->

Note From Dada!
Ώτα μου καλημέρα
Εκτός από τη φτώχεια και η ζέστη θέλει καλοπέραση και επειδή για το επόμενο χρονικό διάστημα θα τα έχουμε και τα δύο σε αφθονία (ιδιαίτερα για τη φτώχεια μη μου ανησυχείτε-θα εχούμε άφθονη από δαύτη για να καλοπερνάμε και το χειμώνα) σας ποστάρω μία άκρως καλοκαιρινή και εξαιρετική συλλογή με funk/soul επιλογές από τις Μπαχάμες. Δεν θα μπω σε λεπτομέρειες σχετικά με το δίσκο (άλλωστε όπως θα ξέρετε μαζί με τα κομμάτια υπάρχουν πάντα και οι σχετικές πληροφορίες σκαναρισμένες για όσους το ψάχνουν λίγο παραπάνω) απλά θα ποστάρω δύο από τα πιο αγαπημένα μου τραγούδια του δισκού για να πάρετε μία γεύση.

Σας φιλώ στο μόντεμ

Words To My Song - Dry Bread

Watcha Gonna Do 'Bout It - Mustangs

Monday, June 7, 2010


Keb Darge & Paul Weller Present: Lost & Found Real R&B And Soul

Rating: 6/10
Sound Quality: Lossless
Format: Flac
Record Label: BBE Records
Year Released:
Album Covers: Included
Pass: radiodada
Links: Click Here -->

Note From Dada!
O ένας σκωτζέζος και επιτυχημένος Dj (Keb Darge) και ο άλλος βρετανός μουσικός-τραγουδοποιός (Paul Weller), γνωστός εκτός από τη σόλο καριέρα του και για την συμμετοχή του στο συγκρότημα τον Jam. Τα δύο αυτά καλόπαιδα, που όπως αναφέρεται και στο ένθετο γνωρίστηκαν στην τουαλέτα ενός πάρτυ καθώς "συγχρονίστηκαν οι ανάγκες τους", μοιράζονται εξ' αδιαιρέτου αυτό το cd, βγάζοντας στην επιφάνεια διάφορα R'n'B και Soul διαμάντια των δεκαετιών 1950-1960, από τις πολύτιμες δισκοθήκες τους.
Ενδιαφέρον παρουσιάζουν τα κομμάτια που επιλέγει ο Weller, γιατί εκτός της δισκογραφικής και μουσικής τους σημασίας, αναγνωρίζεις ότι κρύβουν και κάποιες από τις επιρροές του ως  μουσικού και τραγουδιστή.

Καλή Ακρόαση


About Keb Darge
Keb Darge is a Scottish DJ of the genres of Northern Soul and Deep Funk music.
He began his career in local disco dance competitions (dancing in the "northern soul style") in the North of Scotland, and made an appearance in the nationally televised 1979 UK disco dance finals. He was also a dancer for the Wigan Casino, whilst collecting Northern Soul records. Soon after, he was DJing in Wigan at a club next to the casino, and around Scotland as well with his record collection throughout the 1970s.

At the age of 22, Darge moved to London, ceasing to be a DJ. Music promoters from then approached him, asking him to come back to DJing. He obliged, and gave the Northern Soul phenomenon exposure in London through his performances, bringing in people from northern England to move to London who were previously associated with Wigan's Northern Soul scene before it dissolved.

After a while, Keb sold off most of his northern soul records due to a divorce in 1987, he remarried twice since but both marriages again ended in divorce, he is now happily married to a woman from the Philippines. Meanwhile he worked in various jobs: butchers boy,window cleaner even delivering leaflets to make ends meet. But he had left over in his loft many other records of what he then referred to as "junk music" that he picked up in the United States on his many jaunts to find northern soul records there and in the UK. This "junk music" would be the beginning of what Keb would later call "Deep Funk", having underestimated the potential of these leftover records.

In 1989, during the heyday of acid house in the UK, Keb decided to play these funk records, and managed for a short while to get a night to perform regularly at "The Wagclub", a club specializing in acid jazz. After his night there ended around 1992-93, he met fellow funk record collector Mark Cotgrove, aka Snowboy, at Club Ormones in London where the first funk-only night in the city was held, called "Deep Funk". The night was named by Keb (he would later go on to use the name to describe the sound of the funk records he would play), but arranged by the club owners.

After this, Keb and Snowboy wanted to further expand on the "deep funk" sound, and decided to start their own all-funk night in on old restaurant, but this failed to catch on after a few months due to the burgeoning popularity of house music in the UK at the time, forcing Keb and Snowboy to close up shop there.

But shortly afterward, they heard about a venue called Madame Jo-Jo's, a strip club located in the Soho district of London. They managed to arrange with the club a night for them to perform weekly. The club accommodated them, and Keb & Snowboy's funk nights there became an instant success (and still are the leading club nights for funk in London today). Madame Jo-Jo's closed down their strip nights, becoming a full-time music club, partly due to Keb's success there.

Today, Keb still holds a funk night at the club every Friday, called "Legendary Deep Funk". He also tours around the world DJing, and also runs a record label, Kay-Dee, with fellow funk aficionado & producer Kenny Dope.

He has released several albums of compiled classic deep funk tracks, most notably the Funk Spectrum and Keb Darge's Deep Funk compilations released on BBE Records. Keb Darge is a leading authority on deep funk & soul music of the 60s and 70s, and has achieved practically legendary status among his peers.

Besides DJing and helping to produce the modern-day funk group The New Mastersounds, Keb is also quite experienced in martial arts, having been a former Tae Kwon Do world champion, he has a passion for militaria and is an avid collector of military miniatures.

In 1995 Keb had a cameo part in the cult surf film Blue Juice starring Sean Pertwee and Catherine Zeta Jones, where he can be seen dancing in the village hall. he spends most of his time now looking after his son Harvey James Darge and his newly wed wife Edita.

About Paul Weller
Paul Weller (born John William Weller 25 May 1958), is an English singer-songwriter.
Starting with the very successful punk-rock band The Jam (1976-1982), Weller then went on to branch out musically to a more soulful style with The Style Council (1983-1989). In 1991 he re-established himself as a successful solo artist, and continues to remain a respected singer, lyricist and guitarist, a fact reaffirmed by his recent awarding of the 2009 BRIT award for 'Best Male Solo Artist'. He has remained essentially a national rather than an international star, which may be unsurprising considering much of his songwriting is rooted in British culture. He is also the principal figure of the 1970s Mod revival and is often referred to as the Modfather.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Studio One Scorcher Vol.2

: 6.5/10 
Sound Quality: Lossless
Format: Flac
Record Label: Soul Jazz Records
Year Released:
Album Covers: Included
Pass: radiodada
Links: Click Here -->

Note From Dada!
Ώτα μου καλημέρα, καλό μήνα και καλό καλοκαίρι
Συνεχίζω ποστάροντας κάτι αρκετά εποχιακό και άκρως καλοκαιρινό.

Η δεύτερη συλλογή της Soul Jazz Records υπό τον τίτλο "Scorcher", με Instrumental θέματα από το θρυλικό Studio One. Αν και τα ονόματα που φιγουράρουν δίπλα στους τίτλους των μουσικών θεμάτων είναι ποικίλα, η συλλογή αυτή απαρτίζεται κυριώς από τις συνθέσεις δύο-τριών εξαιρετικών και "συνηθών υπόπτων" μουσικών του Studio One: Jackie Mittoo, Pablove Black (η "φιγούρα" του οποίου κοσμεί και το εξώφυλλο του δίσκου) και Clement Dodd.

Νομίζω  ότι πρόκειται για ένα από εκείνα τα δισκάκια που όλα τα tracks κυλούν τόσο αρμονικά το ένα μετά το άλλο που δύσκολα ξεχωρίζεις κάποια tracks. Παρόλα αυτά έχοντας κάποια "φοβερά κολλήματα " με μερικά από τα θέματα του δίσκου μπαίνω στη διαδικασία να τα παραθέσω συνοπτικά: "Dick Tracy" (The Skatalites), "Jamaica Bolero" (Tommy McCook), "Black Is Black" (Im And David), "Fozen Soul" (Soul Vendors) και το καταπληκτικό "After Christmas" από μία all star μπάντα απαρτίζόμενη από τους Jackie Mittoo, Bagga Walker, Pablove Black & Devon Russell.

Τέλος για όσους βρουν ενδιαφέρουσα αυτή τη συλλογή βάζω εδώ το link και του Vol.1 (κλικ εδώ)

Καλή ακρόαση
Σας φιλώ στο modem

About Studio One
Studio One is one of Jamaica's most renowned record labels and recording studios, having been described as "the Motown of Jamaica." Studio One was involved with most of the major music movements in Jamaica during the 1960s and 1970s, including ska, rocksteady, reggae, dub and dancehall. The label was founded by Clement "Coxsone" Dodd in 1954, and the first recordings were cut in 1957 on Brentford Road in Kingston. Amongst its earliest records were "Easy Snappin'" by Theophilus Beckford, backed by Clue J and his Blues Blasters, and "This Man is Back" by trombonist Don Drummond. Dodd had previously issued music on a series of other labels, including World Disc, and had run Sir Coxsone the Downbeat, one of the largest and most reputable sound systems in the Kingston ghettos. The label and studio were closed when Dodd relocated to New York City in the 1980s.
Studio One has recorded and released music by (and had a large hand in shaping the careers of) artists such as The Skatalites, Bob Marley and the Wailers, Lee "Scratch" Perry, Burning Spear, Toots & the Maytals, John Holt, Horace Andy, Ken Boothe, Freddie McGregor, Dennis Brown, Jackie Mittoo, Gladiators, Michigan & Smiley, Wailing Souls, Dillinger, Delroy Wilson, Heptones, Johnny Osbourne, Marcia Griffiths (of the I-Threes), Sugar Minott, The Abyssinians, Culture, Soul Vendors, Lone Ranger, and Alton Ellis. Noted rival Prince Buster began his career working for Dodd's sound system, and the record producer Harry J recorded many of his best-known releases at Studio One.