Thursday, December 30, 2010


Orchestre Poly-Rythmo De Cotonou (Volume No.2) - Echos Hypnotiques

Rating: 6/10
Sound Quality: Lossless
Format: Flac
Record Label: Analog Africa
Year Released: 2009
Album Covers: Included
Pass: radiodada
Links: Click Here -->

Note From Dada!

'Ωτα μου καλημέρα.
Κλείνω τη χρονιά με το δεύτερο μέρος αυτής της συλλογής των Orchestre Poly-Rythmo De Cotonou από την Analog Africa. Σας εύχομαι ότι καλύτερο (ασχέτως αν αλλάζουν απλά τα ημερολόγια ή όχι), καλή ακρόαση και....του χρόνου με ηχεία.

Υ.Γ. Το εξαιρετικό "Gbeti Madjro" που ακολουθεί σε μορφή youtube-βίντεο βρίσκεται στο Vol.3 της Analog Africa με τίτλο "African Scream Contest" που ευελπιστώ να ποστάρω στο προσεχές μέλλον.

About Orchestre Poly Rythmo De Cotonou
Orchestre Poly Rythmo de Cotonou are a band from Benin, which plays Afrobeat, Funk, Soukous and other styles, often based on Vodun ryhtmns. Active since the late 1960s, and having recorded around 500 songs, they are still touring around the world today, playing in venues such as London's Barbican Centre. Compilations of their work have recently been issued through Analog Africa, Soundway Records and Popular African Music.

Friday, December 24, 2010


Orchestre Poly-Rythmo De Cotonou (Volume No.1) - The Vodoun Effect

Rating: 6/10
Sound Quality: Lossless
Format: Flac
Record Label: Analog Africa
Year Released: 2008
Album Covers: Included
Pass: radiodada
Links: Click Here -->

About Orchestre Poly Rythmo De Cotonou

Orchestre Poly Rythmo de Cotonou are a band from Benin, which plays Afrobeat, Funk, Soukous and other styles, often based on Vodun ryhtmns. Active since the late 1960s, and having recorded around 500 songs, they are still touring around the world today, playing in venues such as London's Barbican Centre. Compilations of their work have recently been issued through Analog Africa, Soundway Records and Popular African Music.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


He's Coming - Roy Ayers Ubiquity

Rating: 5.5/10 
Sound Quality: Lossless
Format: Flac
Record Label: Polydor (Original), Verve (Reissue)
Year Released: 1972 (Original), 2009 (Reissue)
Album Covers: Included
Pass: radiodada
Links: Click Here -->

Note From Dada!

Δεν θα ξεφύγουμε και πάρα πολύ σε σχέση με τις προηγούμενες αναρτήσεις με τους "Θρύλους της Acid Jazz" καθώς ο βιμπραφωνίστας Roy Ayers ύπηρξε ένας από τους σημαντικότερους μουσικούς που έπαιξαν καθοριστικό ρόλο σ' αυτό το ιδίωμα της Jazz.
Δισκάκι κυρίως θρησκευτικού χαρακτήρα εξού άλλωστε και ο τίτλος "He's Coming" (...βέβαια δεν μας λέει πότε ακριβώς θα έρθει, άλλα όποιος έχει υπομονή ας περιμένει...) με κατ' άλλα όμως εξαιρετική ατμόσφαιρα και soul-acid/jazz ήχο. Για μία πρόγευση σας παραθέτω το εξαιρετικό "He's A Superstar" και το ομώνυμο "He's Coming".

Καλη ακρόαση!

He's A Superstar - Roy Ayers Ubiquity

He's Coming - Roy Ayers Ubiquity

About Roy Ayers
Roy Ayers (born September 10, 1940, Los Angeles) is a funk, soul and jazz vibraphone player. Ayers began his career as a jazz player, releasing several albums with Arista Records before his tenure at Polydor Records, during which he progressed a new R&B style, slowly molding the new Disco genre. Ayers grew up in a musical family. At the age of five, Lionel Hampton gave him his first pair of mallets, which led to the vibraphone being his trademark sound for decades. The area of Los Angeles that Ayers grew up in, now known as "South Central", but then known as "South Park", was the epicenter of the Southern California Black Music Scene. The schools Roy attended (Wadsworth Elementary, Nevins Middle School, and Thomas Jefferson High School) were all close to the famed Central Avenue, Los Angeles' equivalent of Harlem's Lenox Avenue and Chicago's State Street. On any given day, Roy would have been likely to be exposed to music as it not only emanated from the many nightclubs and bars in the area, but also poured out of many of the homes where the musicians who kept the scene alive lived in and around Central. Thomas Jefferson High School, from which Ayers graduated, gave to the music and jazz worlds some of its brightest stars, such as Dexter Gordon.Ayers was responsible for the highly regarded soundtrack to Jack Hill's 1973 blaxploitation film Coffy, which starred Pam Grier. He later moved from a jazz-funk sound to R&B, as seen on Mystic Voyage and especially the title track from his 1976 album Everybody Loves the Sunshine. Other notable songs by Ayers include "Running Away", "Searching", and "Sensitize" (co-written by Ayers protegé Wayne K. Garfield).In 1977 Ayers produced an album by the group RAMP, Come Into Knowledge, commonly and mistakenly thought to stand for "Roy Ayers Music Project".In 1980 Ayers released Music Of Many Colors with the Nigerian Afrobeat pioneer Fela Kuti.In 1981 Ayers produced an by the singer Sylvia Striplin, Give Me Your Love (Uno Melodic Records 1981).

Friday, December 3, 2010


Legends Of Acid Jazz - Tenor Titans

Rating: 6/10
Sound Quality: Lossless
Format: Flac
Record Label: Prestige
Year Released: 1998
Album Covers: Included
Pass: radiodada
Links: Click Here -->

Note From Dada!

Ένα ακόμα δισκάκι αφιέρωμα στου θρύλους της Acid Jazz εδώ με τον φακό να εστιάζει σε κορυφαίους μουσικούς του τενόρο σαξόφωνου. Sonny Stitt,  Gene Ammons, Grover Washington Jr., Joe Henderson, David "Fathead" Newman κ.α. Οι περισσότεροι σαξοφωνίστες που απαρτίζουν αυτή τη συλλογή εμφανίζονται από τις συμμετοχές τους σε άλλα σχήματα και δισκους όπως ο Eugene Barr από το δισκάκι των Funk Inc. "Hangin' Out" του 1972 ή όπως ο Wilton Felder  από το δίσκο του οργανίστα  Charles Kynard με τίτλο "Reelin' With Feelin" από το 1969. Από τους δύο αυτούς δίσκους επέλεξα να σας ποστάρω την πανέμορφη εκτέλεση του "Give Me Your Love" (Curtis Mayfield) και το Slow Burn (Richard Fritz) αντίστοιχα, ενώ την τριάδα των προγευστικών αναπαραγωγών συμπληρώνει το εξαιρετικό "Jungle Strut" του Gene Ammons.

Σας φιλώ στο μόντεμ!

Give Me Your Love - Funk Inc. (Feat. Eugene Barr)

Slow Burn - Charles Kynard (Feat. Wilton Felder)

Jungle Strut - Gene Ammons