Rating: 8/10

Sound Quality: 320 kb/s
Format: Mp3
Record Label: World Circuit
Year Released: 2001
Album Covers: Included
Pass: radiodada
Links: rapidshare (Disc 1) - rapidshare (Disc 2)
Post Number: #00006
About Orchestra Baobab
Orchestra Baobab is a Senegalese Afro-Cuban, Son, and Pachanga band. Organized in 1970, as a multi-ethnic, multi-national club band, Orchestre Baobab adapted the then current craze for Cuban Music (growing out of the Congolese Soukous style) in West Africa to Wolof Griot culture and the Mandinga musical traditions of the Casamance. One of the dominant African bands of the 1970s, they were overshadowed in the 1980s and broke up, only to reform in 2001 after interest in their recordings grew in Europe.
Gracias Sr Dada
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