Rating: 6.5/10

Sound Quality: 320 kb/s
Format: Mp3
Record Label: Sub Pop
Year Released: 2004
Album Covers: Included
Pass: radiodada
Links: rapidshare
Note From Dada!
Πόσταρα πριν λίγες μέρες σε βίντεο το "Naked As We Came"...
Ιδού και το album που υποσχέθηκα... (στο οποίο περιέχεται το παραπάνω track)
About Iron & Wine
Iron & Wine is the stage and recording name of folk rock singer-songwriter, Samuel Beam. He has released three studio albums, several EPs and singles, as well as a few download-only releases, which include a live album (a recording of his 2005 Bonnaroo performance). Beam was raised in South Carolina before moving to Florida to attend school, but now resides outside of Austin, Texas. The name Iron & Wine is taken from a dietary supplement named "Beef Iron & Wine" that he found in a general store while shooting a film.
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