Rating: 6/10

Sound Quality: Lossless/320kb/s
Format: Flac/Mp3
Record Label: Soundway
Year Released: 2008
Album Covers: Included
Pass: radiodada
Links: Click Here -->
Rapidshare (Part 1)-(Part 2)-(Part 3)
Megaupload (Part 1)-(Part 2)-(Part 3)
Deposit Files (Part 1)-(Part 2)-(Part 3)
Mp3: Rapidshare (Disc), Rapidshare (Album Covers)
Megaupload (Part 1)-(Part 2)-(Part 3)
Deposit Files (Part 1)-(Part 2)-(Part 3)
Mp3: Rapidshare (Disc), Rapidshare (Album Covers)
Note From Dada!
Μια εξαιρετική συλλογή με ψυχεδελικές και afro-groove μουσικές από την Νιγηρία της δεκαετίας του '70. Από την ίδια σειρά της Sound Way, έχω ποστάρει παλιότερα και μια ακόμα συλλογή, (για όσους βρουν ενδιαφέρον αυτό το δισκάκι), με Disco-Funk "ευρήματα" της Νιγηρίας από την περίοδο 1974-1979.Κάντε κλικ εδώ
Πολύ καλά τα "More Bread To The People" (Action 13), το "In The Jungle" (Hygrades), το "Finger Toe" (Tabukah 'X') και το Acid Rock (Funkees).
Ασχέτως αυτής της πολύ καλής έκδοσης και του αρκετά ενδιαφέροντος ένθετου ...αναρωτιέμαι...σταμάτησαν ποτέ "τα ορυχεία" των δυτικών να "εκμεταλλεύονται" των πλούτο των "ανασκαφών" τους από την μαύρη ήπειρο?
Σας φιλώ στο μόντεμ!
This is great!!
Is it possible to post the "Ghana Special: Modern Highlife, Afro-Sounds and Ghanaian Blue 1968-1981" and "Legends of Benin" or the Orchestre Poly-Rhytmo de Cotonou comps??
Love your blog!
Julian Aspirin
Hi there!
First of all i want to thank you for your kind words.
I only have a compilation with "Orchestre Poly-Rhytmo" and it is already posted in this blog.
check out this link
Hope you like it!
Stay tuned on radiodada...and some other good compilations like this one soon will be posted.
Nice to see another Greek SOul brother out there!
Parakalo...meaning...u r welcome!
Hello new to your blog, was curious of what the password is to unarchive your posts?
Hi there and welcome to my blog!
you can find what u need in the info below the album cover image
Stay tuned!
Wow! Tremendous music. Thank you.
Please my friend,can you reupload this album in FLAC/lossless?I need this in lossless,find him on one torrent,but very slow/no speed,only 1 leecher...
Also,did you have VA - African Scream Contest: Raw & Psychedelic Afro Sounds from Benin & Togo 70s (http://avaxho.me/music/rnb/funk/va_african_scream_contest.html) in FLAC/lossless?
Thank you in advance,greetings from Serbia!
It seems that torrent will be fine and i successfully download this album,sorry for disturbing you!
This request from you for VA - African Scream Contest: Raw & Psychedelic Afro Sounds from Benin & Togo 70s still stand...
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