Thursday, March 25, 2010


Nigeria Special: Modern Highlife, Afrosounds & Nigerian Blues 1970-1976

Rating: 5.5/10 
Sound Quality: Lossless
Format: Flac
Record Label: Soundway
Year Released: 2007
Album Covers: Included
Pass: radiodada
Links: In Comments
Links: Click Here -->

Note From Dada!
Η τρίτη από τις τέσσερις συνολικά συλλογές της Soundway με άξονα τη νεότερη και σύγχρονη μουσική της Νιγηρίας. Κατά τη γνώμη μού όχι ισάξια των δύο προηγούμενων συλλογών (Nigeria Disco & Nigeria Rock - βλέπε παλαιότερες αναρτήσεις) όμως πάντα στα αντίστοιχα ποιοτικά στάνταρντ της Soundway και από πλευράς παραγωγής αλλά και συνολικότερα της έκδοσης.

Καλή Ακρόαση


Radiodada said...

- (Mp3) -
rapidshare (Part1), rapidshare (Part2)
megaupload (Part 1), megaupload (Part 2)
zshare (Part1), zshare (Part2)

- (Flac) -
rapidshare (Part1), rapidshare (Part2), rapidshare (Part3)
megaupload (Part1), megaupload (Part2), megaupload (Part3)
zshare (Part1), zshare (Part2), zshare (Part3)

Anonymous said...

Marcel says

This is a fantastic blog - your hard work and dedication to what you have built is very appreciated, your choice in music is great and I am sure that a lot of people would never hear it without your help... Do you have the soul jazz dynamite compilations?

Radiodada said...

Hi Marcel!
I'd like to thank you for your kind words and your comments. As far as the "Soul Jazz Dynamite Compilations" is concerned, i have only 2 cds. I 'll post them, as soon as I find the whole series... Till patient!

Stay Tuned!

Anonymous said...

Marcel says again!

Hey radiodada - thanks for the info - i hope I didn't sound rude for asking for the dynamite comps - its just I travel around a lot and where I go they don't have reggae music in the shops - (mostly north africa and middle east) and I heard that these are good colections and you have so much other soul jazz material I thought I could ask you for help.

Thanks for letting me know and I still love the music your sharing with us.

Radiodada said...

Marcel, don't worry. I didn't mind at all. On the contrary i enjoy the communication. Hope you keep up enjoying travelling.You'll find the whole collection posted here as soon as possible.

Take care.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Music Junkie said...

Dude. The last few times I've been searching for dope music I somehow end up on your site. Your links ALWAYS work. THANK YOU.

- Music Junkie

Radiodada said...

Hi there
Glad to here that...
My pleasure

Anonymous said...

Speatrum 101 say's

Mr Dada,

Thank you for all your hard work and great music!

I'm really enjoying this blog and all the fruits it has to offer and thats down to you!


Radiodada said...

You 're welcome Speatrum...
Μy Pleasure x 10!!!
Stay tuned!

Anonymous said...

Συνεχιστε την φανταστικη δουλεια, αυτες τις δυσκολες μερες τα "φλακ" και τα 320αρια των δημοσιευσεων σας ειναι μια πραγματικη απολαυση για τα πονεμενα μας αυτακια, (και τι δεν εχουμε ακουσει, απο 128kbit δισκους -δεν εχω λεφτα να αγορασω- μεχρι και υψηλης πιστοτητας -απο πρωτο χερι- ασχημα νεα που αφορουσαν απολυσεις απο εργασιακο τομεα. :-)

Radiodada said...

Γεια χαρά.
Σε ευχαριστώ για τα καλά σου λόγια.
Όλα καλά αλλά εκεί που αναφέρεις"μεχρι και υψηλης πιστοτητας-απο πρωτο χερι-ασχημα νεα που αφορουσαν απολυσεις απο εργασιακο τομεα" σε έχασα τελείως...τι εννοείς?

Anonymous said...

Πώς να στο κάμω πιο λιανά, να σου το τραγουδήσω.
Που έμεινα χωρίς δουλειά, και μάθια ν' αγαπησω.

Shakatak said...

The big request, recover the link

Unknown said...

Rapidshare (Part 1)-(Part 2)-(Part 3)
(Part 1)-(Part 2)-(Part 3)

Unknown said...

Rapidshare/mp3/320kb/s: (Part 1)-(Part 2)

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