Rating: 8/10

Sound Quality: Lossless
Format: Flac
Record Label: Soul Jazz Records
Year Released: 1998
Album Covers: Included
Pass: radiodada
Note From Dada!
Ώτα μου, καλημέρα και καλό μήνα
Πρόκειται για την πρώτη συλλογή από αυτή την εξαιρετική σειρά της Soul Jazz Records που αν δεν απατώμαι έχει συμπληρώσει ήδη το 6ο Vol δηλαδή το 600% Dynamite. Για να μη γίνω κουραστικός μιλώντας για μία ακόμη φορά σχετικά με τις εξαιρετικές εκδόσεις υπό αυτό το label, σας ποστάρω δύο κομμάτια, εκ των οποίων το πρώτο είναι αφιερωμένο σε όλους και όλες, γνωστούς και άγνωστους φίλους που παρακολοθούν εδώ και καιρό και στηρίζουν με τον τρόπο τους ετούτο δω το blog. Άλλωστε κι ο τίτλος του κομματιού είναι σχετικός....Granny Scratch Scratch!!!
Σας φιλώ στο μόντεμ
Granny Scratch Scratch - Sound Dimension
Popcorn - The Upsetters
H φωτογραφία του νέου layout ανήκει στο χρήστη του Flickr.com με το όνομα/ψευδόνυμο Jéssica Girard, την οποία μπορείτε να βρείτε πατώντας εδώ.
Όταν την βρήκα το πρώτο πράγμα που μου ήρθε στο νου ήταν μια φοβερή φράση του Νικόλαου Κάλα που είχε συμπεριλάβει ο Αργύρης Μπακιρτζής των Χειμερινών Κολυμβητών, στα παρακάτω του λόγια σε σχέση με τους ηλικιωμένους:
"Όμως είναι λίγο ενοχλητική μία κολακεία προς τους νέους, συχνά κομφορμιστική. Οι νέοι βέβαια φαίνονται πιο ελεύθεροι, όμως υιοθετούν ρόλους, έχουν ανάγκη τους ρόλους, βλέπουν πολύ τηλεοπτικές σειρές, είναι φορτωμένοι με ιδεολογίες. Οι γέροι αντίθετα δεν έχουν ανάγκη τους ρόλους, απαλλασσόμενοι σταδιακά από τις πεποιθήσεις και τις ελπίδες που μας καταδυναστεύουν σε όλη μας τη ζωή. Θα σας προτείνω το ποιήμα του Νικόλα Κάλα "Προς την Αγάπη": Μόνο μετά, αφού κατανοηθεί η ματαιότητα κάθε καινούργιας προσπάθειας, ο βίος έχει τις πιθανότητες να γίνει έξοχος..."
About Studio One
Studio One is one of Jamaica's most renowned record labels and recording studios, having been described as "the Motown of Jamaica." Studio One was involved with most of the major music movements in Jamaica during the 1960s and 1970s, including ska, rocksteady, reggae, dub and dancehall. The label was founded by Clement "Coxsone" Dodd in 1954, and the first recordings were cut in 1957 on Brentford Road in Kingston. Amongst its earliest records were "Easy Snappin'" by Theophilus Beckford, backed by Clue J and his Blues Blasters, and "This Man is Back" by trombonist Don Drummond. Dodd had previously issued music on a series of other labels, including World Disc, and had run Sir Coxsone the Downbeat, one of the largest and most reputable sound systems in the Kingston ghettos. The label and studio were closed when Dodd relocated to New York City in the 1980s.
Studio One has recorded and released music by (and had a large hand in shaping the careers of) artists such as The Skatalites, Bob Marley and the Wailers, Lee "Scratch" Perry, Burning Spear, Toots & the Maytals, John Holt, Horace Andy, Ken Boothe, Freddie McGregor, Dennis Brown, Jackie Mittoo, Gladiators, Michigan & Smiley, Wailing Souls, Dillinger, Delroy Wilson, Heptones, Johnny Osbourne, Marcia Griffiths (of the I-Threes), Sugar Minott, The Abyssinians, Culture, Soul Vendors, Lone Ranger, and Alton Ellis. Noted rival Prince Buster began his career working for Dodd's sound system, and the record producer Harry J recorded many of his best-known releases at Studio One.
Studio One is one of Jamaica's most renowned record labels and recording studios, having been described as "the Motown of Jamaica." Studio One was involved with most of the major music movements in Jamaica during the 1960s and 1970s, including ska, rocksteady, reggae, dub and dancehall. The label was founded by Clement "Coxsone" Dodd in 1954, and the first recordings were cut in 1957 on Brentford Road in Kingston. Amongst its earliest records were "Easy Snappin'" by Theophilus Beckford, backed by Clue J and his Blues Blasters, and "This Man is Back" by trombonist Don Drummond. Dodd had previously issued music on a series of other labels, including World Disc, and had run Sir Coxsone the Downbeat, one of the largest and most reputable sound systems in the Kingston ghettos. The label and studio were closed when Dodd relocated to New York City in the 1980s.
Studio One has recorded and released music by (and had a large hand in shaping the careers of) artists such as The Skatalites, Bob Marley and the Wailers, Lee "Scratch" Perry, Burning Spear, Toots & the Maytals, John Holt, Horace Andy, Ken Boothe, Freddie McGregor, Dennis Brown, Jackie Mittoo, Gladiators, Michigan & Smiley, Wailing Souls, Dillinger, Delroy Wilson, Heptones, Johnny Osbourne, Marcia Griffiths (of the I-Threes), Sugar Minott, The Abyssinians, Culture, Soul Vendors, Lone Ranger, and Alton Ellis. Noted rival Prince Buster began his career working for Dodd's sound system, and the record producer Harry J recorded many of his best-known releases at Studio One.
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hi there´s a pass phrase neededthe megaupload links, could you help with it??? best!
Just check the information under the album cover in the post. Hope to enjoy
Καταπληκτική δουλειά!!!! Ευχαριστούμε για τις ωραίες μουσικές!!! Keep up the GOOD WORK!!
Καλώς τον ή καλώς την (?) οπως και να χει...
σ' ευχαριστώ για τα καλά σου λόγια και ελπίζω να τα ξαναπούμε σύντομα!
Stay tuned!
thanx, a lot!!!! very nice
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