Rating: 7/10

Sound Quality: 192 kb/s
Format: Mp3
Record Label: Cdsa
Year Released: 2003
Album Covers: Included
Pass: radiodada
Links: rapidshare
Note From Dada!
Αν σας αρέσουν τα ατμοσφαιρικά-ambient σχήματα, αυτά τα δύο γαλλάκια που απαρτίζουν τους Arca, νομίζω ότι θα σας ενθουσιάσουν. Από τα σχετικά άγνωστα album, που έχω όμως ακούσει αμέτρητες φορές.
About the Album
"Angles" is the second album of Sylvain Chauveau and Joan Cambon's project. They both gathered some guests to create a superb following to "Cinématique". The question is: do we necessarily expect a band who baffled us with their first album to surprise us with the second? Because here, the result is certainly brilliant, but insists too much on a post-rock genre that any Godspeed or Mogwai's fan has known for years (especially in the structures of Le Puits face au ciel, Endormir les hommes or Errance, or in the use of (over)present voices' samples). Perspective of Nude, Face and Nyodene D, the magnificent final apnoea, remind on some points of "Wu Wei", Hint's last master piece in 1998, and that could well please the inconsolable ones. On the other hand, Portrait of an Unsatisfied Figure and Attractions, which would be the counterpart of the dark track Orly from their first album, show a more experimental and electronic side, despite a still melodic and therefore more personal orientation. Too bad it's not displayed on the full length of the album, though "Angles" remains a highly recommended piece.
Einai pragmatika poly kalo, eixa to cd kai twra to ksanaanakalyptw. Bravo pou mou to thymises...
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